Original Source: traveldailynews.com
Joyned’s collaborative booking platform lets F&F travelers easily plan their trip together directly on travel websites. The platform keeps F&F travelers on the travel websites, providing a game changing acquisition channel that increases overall profit and loyalty.
Joyned, an Israeli startup specializing in F&F Travel, announced the commercial availability of Joyned Booking, a travel tech solution that enables travelers to engage with friends while booking their trips. Delivered on a SaaS basis for travel websites, Joyned Booking turns travel websites into an interactive F&F booking experience.
Online travel is a booming market that is predominately marketed through social media channels and lead-gen platforms. However, in the last decade, the accuracy and performance of the lead gen companies have been falling down consistently, after privacy and cookies policies were updated all over the world.
“Travel is a social experience, but travel websites are built for individuals. Joyned Booking is the next evolutionary step of online booking, allowing travelers to easily connect with their travel partners and loved ones on the point of sale. Friends and Family who travel together, obviously make travel decisions together, but there is no easy way to do that on most online travel planning today,” said Jonathan Abraham, CEO at Joyned. “With Joyned, travel websites can change the current paradigm in the user acquisition and retention play, turning their website into an organic growth machine. By simply connecting their users with their friends on the website, our customers see a conversion rate of 4x their baseline, with almost twice the AOV”.
Joyned Booking is a pioneering digital platform that offers travel businesses a means to connect people in the digital world, in real-time, to make travel plans together no matter where they are located. This dramatically decreases the time to purchase as decisions are made immediately and collectively, and negates the time needed to manually share links and discuss options in a static and non-engaging fashion.
Further, by using Joyned, travel websites can reduce their dependency on classic, low converting lead-gen platforms. This is supported by the fact that, according to the company, Joyned Booking provides a 90% invite-to-website click-through-rate, and a x4 conversion rate compared to the website’s baseline. It achieves this by delivering a cross-website, live booking experience that lets travelers do what’s natural for them – travel together, already from the booking phase.
According to Abraham, Joyned provides travel websites with new and unique data, including F&F traveler price perception, offering-specific feedback, sentiment analysis, and a window into the F&F traveler buying journey.
“With Joyned, we are helping travel companies evolve to the next phase of worldwide travel experience – a global, F&F travel environment, where the trip begins already on the travel website. What we’re offering is no less than a game-changer for travel websites.” said Abraham.